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Anxious & lost

Community Member

Hi there,

I’ve suffered anxiety all of my life, but the past month it has gotten out of control. I have seen my dr and my meds increased and am seeing a psychologist.

Sometimes I just need to hear it from people that know what it feels like, that I will get through this, and I will feel myself again. It’s not always easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Will I get through this?

Will I be ok again?

I really need hope that life will be sunny once again.

Thank you

10 Replies 10

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi TB83,

Try to practice meditation every day it will teach you to not be so in your head..... meditation teaches us to be the watcher of our thoughts and not get so caught up in them...

keep practicing mindfulness.... practice slowing down your breathing....

exercise is also great for anxiety.... I exercise 6 days a week it helps to keep the body feeling calm and the feel good endorphins are amazing...

remember you are not alone and you will get through this....

if your anxiety seems to not be settling with your strategies go back to your gp and psychologist and let them know how you are feeling 😊

I’m always here if you want to chat..