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Anxiety, Depression and Future prospects.

Community Member

Hi, I've dealt with anxiety for the whole of my life. Ever since being young I've always suffered from Generalised Anxiety Disorder and have had frequent panic attacks. Most of my panic attacks are a result of anxiety making me feel sick, which in turn makes me freak out that I'm going to be sick and then results in making me feel even more sick and I begin panicking and then it's just an endless cycle.

I'm 18 years old and have not consulted a psychologist yet however I had seen a psychologist a few years ago as I had trouble attending school as a result of anxiety. I worked at a job for about a year before eventually having to leave as a result of illness/injury, when I returned after my injury I could no longer handle the workload as a result of anxiety and would call in sick to every shift eventually resulting in being let go. I no longer feel capable of working a job as even leaving the house tends to be extremely stressful as I get very sick from anxiety, this includes being glued to a toilet and cold sweats, shakes and such.

I'm also currently dealing with un-diagnosed, on-going GI problems that I've posted previously before to get some insight and reassurance. My main question is, would it be possible at all for me to seek disability benefits? Generally I feel as though I'm incapable of working, but at the same time I doubt that my mental illness is serious enough to receive any benefits. I seriously dread the thought of working purely because of my anxiety as it severely impacts my quality of life. I have serious doubts in my capabilities to perform at a job and this in turn makes me even more anxious and I feel as though I will only ever let down my employers.

I'm just looking for advice in general, I appreciate any and all replies. Thank you very much 🙂

6 Replies 6

Community Member
Anxiety is so debilitating at times but it's important to try to find coping mechanism to help manage it. Definitely have a talk to your doc .even just your GP they can be very helpful in assessing your options. As you stated it impacts your life significantly and it's important you seek further help in dealing with your anxiety . However seeking advice on the forum was a great start in the right direction.
All the best

Community Member
Hey LarLar, thanks for the reply! I just today had a mental health plan completed and I'm set to see a psychologist within the next few weeks. Hopefully all goes good.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Samyol,

Thanks for your post. I think I may have chatted with you in one of your other ones. It's such an awful thing struggling with anxiety and I can see how debilitating it is.

With regards to benefits, you can absolutely apply for the DSP (Disability Support Pension), but personally I wouldn't recommend it. They've tightened down on the rules so that even people with cancer/in palliative care struggle to get it. I feel like the best option might be to go on Newstart / Austudy. You could potentially look at full-time study (even if it's a short course like Cert 3). You can also do the course from home if going to a place is too difficult. You can also go with a job agency but find a disability provider. A disability provider also includes providers that cater for mental health. You will probably still be required to look for work, but not necessarily have to work.

I hope this helps somewhat. Your psychologist will probably have some more ideas.


Hi romantic_thi3f, thanks for the reply. I do believe we've spoken before and I appreciate the support very much. It pains me to hear that not even those who are suffering from horrible conditions such as cancer and the likes struggle to get on DSP. I think my best option is to just go and consult with Centrelink, the thought of even going there makes me sick to the stomach because of my nerves. I only just recently complete my Cert III in Digital Media and Information Technology and unfortunately wasn't receiving youth allowance because my mothers partner earns too much to make it worth the trouble (They don't share their incomes).

I appreciate the reply very much and will be calling to make an appointment with a psychologist in the coming days. Thanks again for the reply, I'm really hoping I can sort something out!

Community Member

Hi there Samyol,
I'm so glad to hear you've gotten your mental health plan done and you've got a psychologist appointment lined up! You won't regret taking that step to get some professional insight and guidance for the challenges you're facing.

I understand your query about the disability pension, and that you worry about not being able to work. But with the medical help you're getting the chances are very good that your anxiety will not become so severe you cannot work. It may take some time for improvements to come, but stick with it and don't be afraid to ask your GP to change things up if they're not working for you (e.g. switch to a different therapist, try a different medication, etc.)

In my own experience, working fulltime actually improved my anxiety symptoms immensely. It simply took me 'out of my own head' and gave my brain more useful problem-solving activities to occupy itself, which meant less time for rumination, worrying, and indulging in bad habits (which is what I do whenever I'm not working).

Consider that there is a possible (and very likely) future where you are working comfortably and confidently in a career that you enjoy. This is difficult to imagine when you're filled with dread and worry, but it's certainly not as unlikely as your anxiety would make it seem.

Best of luck to you and do check-in and let us know how you're going.

Hey Step Twelve, hopefully with the help of a psychologist I'll be able to get back on my feet especially in regards to working. I don't want to be on DSP, just have no way of supporting myself financially until I feel confident to work again but that should be okay as long as it's not too long. I'll keep my head up for the future in hopes I sort something out, thank you for the reply!