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Anxiety after night out drinking?
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Anyone who’s experienced a night out drinking is familiar with the hangover – the fuzzy head, the crook stomach, the desire to sleep long into the next century.
But did you know that it can also be quite common to feel a bout of anxiety after a night out drinking, particularly if you are already prone to feeling anxious or experiencing panic attacks?
The anxiety can be triggered as your body works to remove alcohol from your system, with blood sugar levels dropping. Yes, that same chemical reaction that causes you to crave a Macca’s run at 2am can also affect your mood.
Some antidepressant medications also interact with alcohol to increase ‘rebound’ symptoms of anxiety.
Once that anxiety starts to kick in, your brain can go into overdrive. You start thinking (and overthinking) your actions from the night before.
The anxiety-fuelled hangover is so common it has even coined the slang terms “hangover anxiety” and “boozanoia” in recent years, so if you’re reading this thread after a night out with a stomach tied up in knots, then please know you’re not alone.
Here’s three things you can do about it:
1. Be kind to your mind when hung over – You know that the headache will fade and the stomach will settle, the anxious feelings will also subside. Remember, they’re part of the hangover too. Draw on thought-challenging, mindfulness or distraction techniques as you need to: think of them as bacon and eggs for the brain!
2. Get a good night’s sleep – You’ve probably been out late the night before, and even if you slept in when you got home, alcohol disrupts sleep so it won’t have been quality rest. Try to get yourself an early night and allow your body and brain some time to recover.
3. Drink moderately and know your limits next time – Abstaining from alcohol altogether isn’t always a realistic option, but you can learn from your hangover experiences and limit your drinking in future. Slow down a bit, substitute a soft drink in between rounds, set a limit and keep track of how much you’ve had. And don't forget to eat first!
If you’re wanting support around limiting or abstaining from alcohol, then please also join our Battling The Booze thread.
Have you ever experienced ‘hangover anxiety’? Did you try any of the tips above? Do you have any tips of your own? Please share your stories and thoughts in the thread below.

UPDATE 5/9/19: Check out this new Beyond Blue article on hangover anxiety by award-winning journalist and author Jill Stark.
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Thank you for all of your replies - I'm currently in the learning stages of my anxiety after being put through the absolute ringer from doctors who have blamed every medical issue under the sun EXCEPT anxiety (underweight and magnesium deficiency being the main ones).
My anxiety comes out in the form of a racing heart and palpitations which can be very distressing.
So far I've cut out coffee, cigarettes and marijuana (I am a former daily smoker) and am now considering alcohol too as it always makes my heart feel like it's beating out of the control, to the point where I've admitted myself to hospital 3 times in the past 12 months only to be told there is nothing wrong with me and there is nothing they can do.
Hospital makes my anxiety completely disappear although I do feel very upset/stupid when they give me the "nothing is wrong"spiel. The last doctor who saw me in ER has suggested taking anti-anxiety medication - does anyone have any advice about this or the medication itself? I am also starting cognitive therapy next week.
I'm nervous about the social aspects about not drinking and how it might alienate me from my friends.
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Hello Maddison,
Welcome and nice work taking all those positive steps in managing your anxiety with the appointments and cutting coffee/cigs/marijuana.
I haven't had anti-anxiety medication but I have had antidepressants and the two are often similar/the same.
It's hard for us to say what'll happen with the medication because people's bodies react differently, but I can assure you that as long as you keep good dialogue with your doctor, side effects can be managed. In my case, I was just very honest to my doctors that I didn't want to be dependent on them and so we made sure that the medication was just enough that I could continue my actual therapy properly. We kept a relatively low dose and I just had regular appointments with my psychologist until I could come off the medication (off them now).
Is your name referring to your age? I'm 25 and basically all my friends drink socially, but we always have a bunch who don't. I know it's easy for me to say as an outsider, but good friends won't care if you're not drinking especially if it does make your heart out of whack. I think most of the time we are more afraid of being left out when, in fact, nobody but ourselves really mind. The non-drinking is only a problem if you make it a problem 🙂
So I'd say go for it. Order the glass of OJ on the rocks and rock everyone's socks off with your ability to walk and talk straight. And if you are nervous, you can ask a close friend to also not drink with you 🙂

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