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How can we improve the Forums?


Hi all,


This discussion is a space for all members to share suggestions and ideas to improve the Forums. This can be anything. Navigation, notifications, topics and themes, moderation, community rules, or something else!


We'd love to hear about what you think we can do better. We are really grateful to everyone who has contributed their ideas already, and we're always keen to hear more. 


Kind regards, 


Sophie M


Please note: This is not a thread for discussing the moderation or editing of individual posts - if you have questions about this please contact the team offline via email modsupport@beyondblue.org.au 

333 Replies 333

Yes I do, rather confusing.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

No you aren't the only one Quercus, I'm finding it extremely difficult being used to 'New Posts' and 'My Threads'.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

The trouble is expert IT's develop a new model, but they don't realise that the average person can't understand or think the way they do.

It may seem to be as easy as pie to them, but many of us will just get lost, the previous version where 'New Posts', All posts' and 'My Threads' was simple to use, sorry but this is extremely difficult and worry many new/old people will not post.

Perhaps if you could provide us with a simple video and bring back 'New Posts' etc then we may be able to adjust to this new format, but I am completely lost because those we have all helped where have they all gone and remember you have to realise many of us are so inexperienced in strange technology.



Community Member

Im finding the new forums very confusing.  It was very easy to navigate prior and easy to see if there were replies to your posts.Also new posts from others were easy to see . I am worried if ill get used to it.  I understand its been done with the best intentions and respect that .But its a bit unsettling   .  Best wishes to all    Brett.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Brett, I know the effort that has been put into developing these new forums has been a massive effort, with tireless work and I do congratulate them for doing this, but to us, it's like changing from driving a mini minor over to be given a Ferrari and I hope that 100k posting on BB doesn't drop by 95% because people don't have a clue on how to use it.


Community Member

Pretty much my thoughts Geoff. I dont understand why it had to be changed. It was really good.  Im lost with it mow.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I agree with the others and don't believe the old forum needed to be changed. I don't find the new one to be as user friendly because I was so used to the old one. Bring it back please. 

Community Member
I cannot find any of my recent discussions with others on the former My Threads section.  I cannot navigate my way to anything at all.   The old way was easy and a lifesaver for me.  I feel I have lost a vital part of my healing...I am pretty devastated.  I have been on Forum for about 7 years.  If you are wondering why I have stopped posting its because I can't find you.......why, oh why did you have to change the layout of BB Forum?   

Im finding it terribly confusing and I can't find my way around 


Im feeling similar Moonstruck. So disappointing to lose such a user friendly forum.  My best wishes to you     Bret