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How do I help my boyfriend with bad depression

Community Member

My boyfriend and I had been together for a year and a half but recently ended out relationship, but still are very close friends and still see each other very often. Over the past few months I have noticed that his depression has gotten worse and we had a talk last night where he said he doesn't feel like he is a good enough boyfriend to be with me and that he needs to love himself before he can continue to love me and be with me. throughout our relationship i've always tried to help him and make him happy and boost his self esteem as much as I could, but I feel like I am just not helping and I don't know what else to do. I am thinking about booking him in to see a therapist but other than that im unsure.

His depressions results in him being tired all the time and not wanting to go out with me and do different things he would rather always just stay in and stay in bed. It also makes him feel unworthy of love, lowers his self-worth dramatically and his image of himself, it makes him angry and defensive and very quick to snap and get irritable and it often makes him seem disinterested in things that i say or do, like his mind is always far away.

I understand how it feels to be depressed as I have experienced that before and I have tried to much to help him and just boost him up and put up with his anger and not fight back but just rather keep calm and tell him to just talk to me etc. and to put up with his mood swings as best as I can. I understand that there are good days and bad days but lately it has been more bad and it just hurts me so much to see him upset and depressed and down about himself, because I truly do think he is amazing.

Any advice on what I should do or any different approaches that can help with this situation?!?!?!

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jess

Its great that you care so much about your ex, I would suggest that you get him to his GP and have a Mental Health Check done, from this he will be able to get a referral to a Psychologist you will be able to help him. this is generally done through Medicare so it free.

Its important to get to the core of his issues , and asking why he thinks the things he does, for example, ask him why he thinks hes not worthy of love, and be patient , and non opinionated because to hims its real.

Often it helps if you work through the issue, showing him his thoughts are no logical. depressive thoughts come from the negative side of our brain and we have to work to show they are not logical.

Hope this helps