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My diagnosis

Community Member
I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia early last year and I have not developed any coping strategies or heard of anyone's success stories with the mental health condition. Can you please share below your story with me (as long as it's appropriate and follows BB's Guidelines) and some awesome coping strategies that you have found have worked for you? I like to listen to relaxation music.
10 Replies 10

Dear nib,

We are pleased that you found the courage to post about your deeply personal diagnosis. This internal strength can help you successfully adapt to the situation you now find yourself in.

We would like to help encourage our lovely community members' thoughts by asking:

What strategies do you use to help you get through tough and difficult situations which might be permanent?

Thank you for joining our very supportive community. We are here to support you.

Warm regards,

Sophie M.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello nib,

I don't have schizophrenia. Over the years, I've only known a few people who have, so, I can't say I know much.

The usual advice which everyone hears about eating well, sleeping well, getting exercise, reducing stress & not smoking or drinking, lots of self-care ... good for all of us, eh? It can be hard to do, though, & some help would be good to have.

I have also thought, it would be helpful to have people around you, people you trust to give you a reality check, people you can talk to about any thoughts, ideas, fears, sensations, & give you some feedback. I understand the world around you, & how you feel inside can be confusing, so, this is why I think having people to talk to can be helpful.

It's great you enjoy relaxing music. I like the calmer, gentle music washing over me.

Have you thought to find a support group? Perhaps meeting other people diagnosed with schizophrenia could help you. They might share their own strategies for coping, & you might make friends, too.

All the best,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni


I don't have schizophrenia nor do I know anyone who does but I have done some research on coping mechanisms. Here are a few links that are reliable with evidence 🙂



Stay safe and i am always here to chat.

Community Member

Hi Sophie,

I really appreciate how you have written "might be permanent;" this gives those who suffer from mental health in general that there IS hope for a cure one day 🙂

Thank You for your response!

Community Member

Hi mmMekitty,

Thank You very much for your input. I absolutely agree, having the right support being put in place along with self care is a great step forward. Unfortunately, my parents would rather drink and gamble than help me with my mental health issues; they're emotionally distant due to unresolved childhood issues of their own.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello nib,

Because I know very little about you, & what I would like to know would be too much about you, so I can't ask, what I will suggest is to call BB's own Counselling Service to see if they can help you more directly.

Ph: 1300 22 46 36

May I ask how you came to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, & were you prescribed meds? If you have meds, Usually it is a doctor who makes this kind of diagnosis, & who would prescribe meds, so can you talk to them?

Talk soon? Anything you want to talk about is okay.


Community Member

Hey mmMekitty,

I was diagnosed by a psychologist and yes, I am on medication to treat it 🙂

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi nib,

Thank you for responding to my questions. I'm glad for you, that you have the support of a psychologist.

It's been a little while since your previous post, so I'm wondering how you are going?

Best wishes,


Community Member

Hi mmMeKitty,

Thank You for asking. Tonight, I got into a fight with my mum. I just want to move out of home and do my own thing, but the problem is that I am currently studying at adult school and can't afford to live in my own little place. I'm one of those typical 'poor' students financially, and I am living at home with my parents still. Im so embarrassed, because in in my mid twenties. I should be making friends and getting into a relationship now, but none of that has happened, because I don't leave the house. I fear people's rejection - this has happened my whole life, and I usually end up being friends with adults who are older than me, not adults who are my age. There was an occasion where I was taken advantage of by a grown man, but I won't go into that. Sorry, I've gone way off track, and my head hurts.

I hope you are doing well.

Warm Regards,
