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Anxiety and panic attacks

Community Member



I am new to this forum I’m 37 yo female. I’ve recently been diagnosed with GAD and have started medication, however I feel like it’s not managing my symptoms well. I am still finding it very difficult to manage day to day life. I work from home, have two kids and even the littlest of tasks seem too difficult to manage. I practice meditation everyday, I’m using headspace and Nerva for meditation. I try to do yoga every few days, try to walk but nothing seems to be setting in a routine. I feel like I’m not able to stick to any routine and all I do everyday is try to regulate my breathing and not go into a panic mode. I really need help and some encouragement, I want to know that I can get out of this and can hopefully one day get back to the life I lived pre covid. 

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Anxiety is so awful and Covid has been a great exacerbator of it. Congratulate yourself when you get a task done, no matter how big or small. It could be something as simple as making your bed or finalising that email to be sent. 

You WILL get out of this. 

Anxiety feels bloody awful. It's like a pervasive bully that won't leave you alone. Keep reminding yourself it won't be forever and you are a great person for getting things done, whilst lookign after a family. 


My trick is to say to myself, "I am a legend because [INSERT REASON]." Today I was a legend for getting an email done and not drinkign any alcohol. 


You're a legend for reaching out. What other little accomplishment have you had today that makes you feel good? Could it be jsut getting the benches wiped? It's something. WHen you're having anxiety, things seem insurmountable, but we've all got your back here. 

Community Member

You won’t believe how much I needed to read this today. Thank you, I’ve had a pretty rough life but I was always a fighter and had a very positive outlook for life. This thing though has me on my knees and it’s hard to hold onto a positive thought. I’m going to try what you said though, can’t believe my own mind has became my enemy. I guess I am a legend to reach out and start my journey to 🤞🏼 overcome this monster. Thank you so much for your reply, going to be taking one step at a time. 

Community Member

Absolutely! You've summed it up so well. It IS like your mind has become your enemy. I am SO pleased to have helped you; that's made ME feel good. Cyber hugs to you.