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Hi there , I'm struggling with adulting recently ( I'm on my 21st anniversary of turning 26years old ) life is getting hard, and I'm not as happy and positive as I have previously always been .

Thought I would check into here to see what tips tricks and help I can get to get me back to being me . I'm going to read through the forums before posting my own tales of wow as I don't wish to double up on other similar topics or threads .

17 Replies 17

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12 mins down the road so I give myself 15 mins , mind you it is getting harder and harder to talk myself into getting out of bed and staying out of bed to go there , once I'm here ( at work at moment ) I can do the work but just knowing its at least 10.5 hours before it finishes after the 0600 start is depressing as so much of this job is wasted time to me .

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Neilegend~

10.5 hours is a long shift. Do you think there is everything you can do to make you job more interesting or enjoyable? At one stage I had static duty and was bored witless, so kept a v small radio in my cap. It helped.


Community Member

0600 - anytime AFTER 1630 can be just gone 1700 depending on traffic etc . its a mind numbing dead end job , pick up branches feed them into chipper after the cutters have chopped them out of the street trees , repeat all day every day . way to make it more interesting or enjoyable is for me to get out of there . but I need to study a cert 3 to get into what I would prefer to do ( as I cant go back to what I was doing which was a dream job with excellent pay and I enjoyed doing immensely - the pay was a bonus to the job itself ) the cert 3 is 6months full time or 1 year part time but I need real wages to pay for living expenses - this overly long job I started doing in sept/oct is a full time , im on a day rate and it was not explained HOW long a day it was when I signed up 😞 then they ask want to work Saturday cash in hand for the same rate as I get on a mon-fri and cant understand why I say NO even though I need the money , I also need downtime away from it ! I got this job as the traffic management work I was doing previous 2 years was drying up ( only a casual job so no wage guarantees) and not covering living expenses. so you can see why im stuck and feel trapped with this :'(

ideally if I could be given $150k - just given , not a loan to repay, I could give up this job and go study knowing that I could still cover the living expenses bills for a year or more ( while also finding part time work to help it go further around the studies )

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
hi neilegend can u not study Cert 3 course online? I mean enrol in the course thru participating provider by online study or find out what other education providers have ur preferred course but do it by correspondance only, when you enrol, you could perhaps inquire with the course provider if you can pay off the course by a few $$$ a week/fortnight, set up an instalment plan with them perhaps, worth a thought? If you enrol in course when you get home from work give yourself some down time before you start the study time and maybe just do a hour an night and a few more hours on the weekend, set yourself a schedule/goal for changing things around for your own happiness, just look @ other options mate, sounds like you are stuck in a bind with life @ the moment, look @ other ways to get yourself out of the bind, research doing Cert 3 by correspondance, maybe that is a small start, definately when you reseach look @ instalment plan 4 course, just a thought?? Cheers Spitfire1

Hi Neil,

I’m in a situation of no job now when I used to have my ideal job.

The job and people changed, but I didn’t.

I have thought of going back to the start, getting an apprenticeship... then I come back to “reality” and think, apprenticeship for 50+... not so much, enough money from apprenticeship... not so much, achievable goal... not so much.

Just empathising with you (or wallowing)... you aren’t alone in your struggles, you just have to find your purpose again. I’m looking for batteries that fit my torch, so I can light up the room, so I can find the batteries... but I know the batteries are there somewhere.

Poor analogy, but you can probably guess what I mean.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Neilegend (with a wave to Spitfire1 and David N)~

The idea of study can be very good. When invalided out of my occupation and told I'd never work again the world ended. In time I did study (mainly due to pressure from my partner , and it was in an area I'd never even dreamed abut doing. That in turn lead to a new occupation.

It tool me a longer time than usual as my concentration was terrible.

The actual study had its advantages giving structure, deadlines and requiring thought prior to writing or answering tests -plus I could tell my self I was a student, not a write-off.

It may well be that your chosen field you would like to study in takes too much time or is too expensive (though you have had some good suggestions in that area). In addition some courses are subsidized by the government and do not cost. As a last resort there are MOOCs (Google them).

David said he lost his purpose, that was my position too, I well understand. It does not have to stay that way.

I'm not pretending things are easy, but maybe better than feeling you are at a dead end

What do you think?

David - get someone else to light a match so you can see them?


I do understand where you are coming from , I know the endless loop of the batteries and the torch I fully get what you mean , no we are not alone in that feeling !

as to me an update : 3 weeks ago I went to work on the Monday , and near end of day was told be at yard ten minutes early , when I asked why ( as we were working closer to home/ start point, so we would get to site about 640-645 for the cutters turning up around seven and we do nothing until around 0800 , and he wanted us to be ten minutes earlier ?? ) for no reason except "that's what we are doing now " , I sent the boss a text that night saying im not coming in tomorrow im having a mental health day ( yes I did use that terma s it was for my sanity) as I need to get errands done I cant do outside of business hours . get message from him Tuesday arvo asking how was I going with my errands and be at yard in the am sharp .

I asked 0600 or 0550 and did he get told why we need to be there ten mins earlier ? , got a terse reply which ended with we will need to chat if you aren't happy , be there 0550,. so wed I did that , and I was also quitting even with nothing to go to , having nothing was better than what this job was doing to me ! I called my old traffic management job wed while on morning smoko and asked how their work load was going ? he asked when can I start back ? I told him if they have work thurs and fri uim available from thurs / told me come pick up a ute tonight as im back straight to being a team leader again , so last 2.5 weeks have been at old job where im paid for each hour I work ( much better rate than what the chipping day rate worked out to as an hourly) and after 8 hours it goes up to ot rates = more money for less hours in a week , as long as they keep contracts and have consistent work im ok / still having to sell our first small home we were renting to our friend which will leave him homeless if he cant find somewhere 😞 and hoping to get into doing the cert3 which CANT be done as an online but can be done as part time 2 nights a week .

ok wow that's a looong read ! sorry for that verbal deluge. im doing better mentally since up and quitting the job I got my self into , but still a long way to go to find real inner happiness.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Neilegend~

Wow! What a change, and frankly I think it is down firstly your willingness to risk change and secondly the very high esteem you must have been held in to be invited back and put in as team leader. That's impressive.

The idea of the Cert III is excellent too, and as far as I'm concerned doing it in class rather than on-line is a better deal. You get to interact, ask questions and not just sit there at a computer.

Please let us know how you go
