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Have Just joined and saying hi to all

Community Member

Hi there , I'm struggling with adulting recently ( I'm on my 21st anniversary of turning 26years old ) life is getting hard, and I'm not as happy and positive as I have previously always been .

Thought I would check into here to see what tips tricks and help I can get to get me back to being me . I'm going to read through the forums before posting my own tales of wow as I don't wish to double up on other similar topics or threads .

17 Replies 17

David Nobody
Community Member

Hi Neil,

excellent turn of phrase about your age.

Looking forward to the “tales of wow”. This place needs some excitement. 😉

But seriously, welcome.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Neilegend~

Welcome here, as someone who is around 47 (if I've got my maths right) I'm not sure what things are not good.

Do you have a physical problem, not reached the goals you set your self or something else?

We are here to understand and help, so please feel free to talk


Community Member

Correct on the age .

No physical problems ( well nothing a good remedial massage and dry needling / acupuncture to release and loosen up muscles and tendons wouldn't fix )

As to goals , well I never actually really set any to meet , but for the first time in 20 years I'm not meeting the goal of providing for my family and keeping bills covered - the basic living expenses , there is no take away or eating out or DVD pay TV etc. It's just mortgage rates water gas electric, basic lowest internet/phone , insurance , car registration , forget adding in food or petrol those are luxury items 😰😢😥 beyond what I'm bringing home from a crap job that is too ling and basically minimum wage on a per hour rate 😞 .

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Neil, great that you've found the boards here. I hope this year gets easier for you I find in times like that it's good to surround with lots of support until something starts feeling right it's such a great idea that you've posted here and can receive extra support I only just joined this past week myself and find it such a kind and caring environment. Hoping something comes through for you so you feel lots better and more on track soon with what you want for your life this year. Jessica.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Neilegend~

Thanks for coming back and saying more. Yes it is a pretty corrosive thing to have one's best efforts not provide all that is needed. Sadly wages stagnate but bills keep on climbing.

May I ask if you have to face this by yourself? I do hope not, dealing with all the responsibility and no one to lean on -even for emotional support is- is very hard.

Without knowing your circumstances, possibilities of another job, and so on the thing I can say is that it is important to try to divide up pat of each day, with a portion that is used for things you -or if there are others in your family - all of you enjoy. Something to look forward to in the morning and which takes the mind away from the daily grind.

I use books and movies, what sort of things do you think might help you?


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi neilegend and a big welcome to the forum- I am a relatively newbie to beyond blue only discovered this wonderful site in November 18 where there is a great support system for any kind of conversation!! It sounds like you are in a bit of a bind with your job and overwhelming expenses and I think that comes with every job, trying to live on what you bring in for yourself and family, but by starting simple like having a morning cuppa and breakfast with your family perhaps out on the verandah overlooking your garden maybe a start and having a chat generally at whatever subject that starts?? To me personally that is a good way to start the day and to proceed, it was just a thought however simple that it sounds! If you have experience in your field of work maybe look around for a more paying job or perhaps 1 of the family could help provide financially? Just take day by day and discover other options available- hope this help a little bit?? Cheers Spitfire1

Its lovely idea the cuppa on the El fresco , but im leaving home at no later than 0545, so stops that happening , Saturday's I wake when I do at whatever late time it is ( I love turning off the alarm when I get up Friday mornings ) and place is usually empty , then Sunday is church day for the wife and youngest , oldest works from morning so no church for her so I don't see them until afternoon .

But I do see your point and it is very valid , just doesn't work with me and my family 😞

The wife has very casual work at Coles , 3hr shift 1-3 a week but spends more on fuel in a week running around wherever she goes than she earns on those shifts 😞

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Neilegend~

5.45 sounds early, does it involve a lot of traveling? If so have you considered using the time to listen to audio books (available free from you local library) or podcasts. I do both and actually find myself at times looking forward to what used to be a deadly boring journey, just to hear more.

It may not help with finances and such but can provide time-out for the mind.


If the morning is too hard...

Why not an evening “al fresco” hot chocolate raging against the galahs and bats?

Or watching the latest scripted “reality” TV show together to see how the gullible people live?
