Hey guys, Just looking for someone who’s been in or is in a similar
situation; bit of a background, I decided last year after 6 years on
anti depressants to come off them as I was ready, I (now regret) started
to come off them without my drs knowledg...
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Hey guys, Just looking for someone who’s been in or is in a similar
situation; bit of a background, I decided last year after 6 years on
anti depressants to come off them as I was ready, I (now regret) started
to come off them without my drs knowledge and went the naturopath way
instead, big mistake, she placed me on many different herbs that fought
against the anti depressant, I than went to my dr with dizzy/vertigo,
sinus pain, headaches and internal tremors, he said it was a result of
not being on my anti depressant and to go back on them so I did, I still
was experiencing the same symptoms so I went back again we ran some
tests and determined it was low iron (this is a usual for me) after
multiple appointments he decided that my anti depressant was fighting
against my body as I had the same symptoms still, he took me off within
4 days, I now know this is called cold Turkey and should never be done,
it’s now been almost 3 months off them and the past 2 months I’ve been
almost fully bed ridden, I feel like I am rocking (vertigo), internal
and external tremors, tired, achy all over, flu like symptoms, I’ve had
a herbalist who has been really helpful in getting serotonin syndrome
out of my system however I am still struggling with the discontinuation
syndrome, I’ve gone to another GP for a second opinion and am currently
doing the tests etc, I just need to know if anyone has ever been through
cold Turkey and does it get better? I currently can’t drive, barely
functional day to day, just ready for it to be settled Thank you in