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Help with 17 year old girl suffering depression and anxiety.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I am the mother of a 17 year old who has depression and anxiety. This has been a problem that we have dealt with for a while but has gotten markedly worse in the past few months. bullying, poor selfimage and selfdoubt has left her unable to cope with school. Getting a C is not enough in her eyes that is a fail so therefore will not do anything. Cannot get her to go to school. She even missed out on a trip to California with the school that she paid for losing $4500. this left her suicidal for a while during which we watched diligently. We have taken her away for a few days but are considering CYMS at the Mater in Brisbane. She is currently under the care of Headspace but counselling is only fortnightly and has litlle effect for longer than 1 day. She is on medication from the psychiatrist but this has had the effect of keeping her more level but not not treating the cause or helping with a recovery as such. Has anyone had any help with CYMS at Mater. Have been advised by Headspace to take her to emergency in order to get admission.
15 Replies 15

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi wornoutmum,

It's great to have you here on the forums. It takes a really brave dedicated mum to seek out additional support for their children. I can imagine how heart breaking it must be seeing your daughter suffer. Mental illness first struck me at 14, and now, at 34, I know how difficult it was, particularly for my mum, to see me go through what I was dealing with.

I wanted to say that one of the best things my parents did for me was to admit me to a private Psychiatric Hospital when I was 17. It sounds tough, and I'm not going to say it was easy, but it meant that I could get 24hr care, attend group therapies with peers my own age dealing with similar issues, it gave me a break from the struggles of the outside world for a while, and it enabled my treatment team to find the most appropriate medication for me while I was monitored for side effects. I'm not sure if this is what you are considering? It sounds like Mater hospital has a really good program for young people, so I'm sure your daughter will be in really good hands.

The Psychiatrist your daughter is seeing should be able to arrange a referral, or recommend a Psychiatrist who can, otherwise presenting to Emergency will ensure she is admitted ASAP.

I hope you will let us know how you go. You might also like to introduce your daughter to the youthbeyondblue website.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks AGrace. We are seeing the psychiatrist next week and will be asking for a referral. We as a family can't keep going at the level we have. She is anxious about treatment in a clinic because of the loss of her phone, this would be a good thing as she tends to hide from real people and live only on this. I do hope she can get in, because she desperately needs help.


Hi Wornoutmum,

I also have a child that has had a difficult time over the recent years.  The strain that is created on the family and a marriage is unbearable at times.  I often wondered if I would ever make it thru.  However as a Parent, you do anything and everything you can for your child.  I have dealt with trying to get help for a 17year old child, and unfortunately medical facilities for these gorgeous kids are very hard to access and extremely limited.   My child was in public hospital care and the hospital wanted to discharge - this was a scenario we had been down before and played out, but hadn't worked as we were back in the hospital - anyway Doctors wanted to discharge.... my child was frightened , not wanting to come home, my child was frightened of what could happen.  We as parents listened to our child (the first time we listened to the medical experts!!!) and fought strong with the hospital, stood our ground and finally we were able to find a bed in a private facility that would hopefully help.  I thought our prayers had been answered, but things did get worse before they got better.  What I am trying to convey wornoutmum, is that YOU know your child better than anyone, so fight for what you believe is right for your child.  Believe me when I say things can get better.    xx

Thanks. Sometimes I feel like I am swimming in cement, trying to get her help. We have come home from time away. Now she is back in her room and not communicating again. Saw a bit of light today when she cooked dinner for us. But back in room now. I am so tired. she was opening up to me a little but that has stopped again.


An update! We have been referred to CYMHS! Yay!!! We have to go through the local one but will need to be referred to inpatient care when assessed. Psychiatrist said that whe needs concentrated counselling not available here in the bush. so we are finally getting there. Her meds have been tweeked and antianxiety readded. As much as it is nice for me to be needed by her so much at the moment, I can't help her in the way she needs. this will help!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi wornoutmum,

Thanks for the update. I'm glad things are moving in the right direction for you and your daughter. You're right it is nice to be needed, but if we can't be exactly what they need, then it's nice to know we have the ability to provide them what they do need. You are such a fantastic mum. Raising a teenager must be challenging at the best of times,

I know it's not something that mum's do often, but you should really treat yourself to something. Even if it's a little time out. You will want to be strong enough to get her through this next stage. You really deserve to have a bit of pampering.

Let us know how you get on.


dear Wornoutmum, I pressed something which I shouldn't have, but I'm so sorry to not have replied to you sooner, but thankfully Amber and Grabavoice have which is great.

Excuse me but I didn't know what CYMS stood for found out what CYMHS is ( Child Youth Mental Health Service).

I know what a mum or dad has to try and do to help their children along their long journey and even up to when they become adults, because it's never easy, and as generations change so does our effort to help them also change, just as their education and professional help becomes more complicated and even harder to cope with.

Kids these days always have to have their phones whatever type with them the whole time, no different than us boys always had to have their football or basketball, while the girls had their own thing, and feel lost without them, so your daughter 'will feel naked' as the saying goes, without her phone.

It's always lovely to feel wanted by our kids, because that's their first solid base to rely on mum and/or dad, as this happens even when they growing older, like my two sons who in their 30's, but in turn as they grow older the tables turn, where we want to feel wanted by them.

Can I suggest that there is a time in their life where they want some reassurance from us, but then it can change where they only drip feed us with information simply because they are worried about our reaction or are uncertain of our response which we may condemn or criticise, but loving parents just like yourself  don't do this, because we know how fragile they are, so we congratulate them on their positives or offer hope on the negatives.

I can understand how worried you are, and you certainly have every right to feel this way, but as I have said before your daughter's is in good hands, but it can be such a worry.

I really hope that you keep posting back to us, because you need support just as well. L Geoff. x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi worn out mum

i can relate to your situation as I have a 15 year old daughter who has suffered from extreme me depression and anxiety since the age of 12. I also totally understand your frustration with the continuity of care offered. My daughter has seen many psychologists and 3 psychiatrists over the years but every time she connects with someone ( which is rare) that person is rotated out of the system and we are forced to start again. I really hope your daughter is accepted into CYMHS and they are able to provide her and you with the support you need. I thought I was coping ok over the past few years, but have recently crashed badly and I think it's an accumulation of long term stress. It's so important you have support yourself. Good luck and keep us informed 🙂 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thanks AGrace, we have gone backwards again as is refusing to take meds. Bad day today as should have been back at school. Rolling with the flow.