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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Hello Elizabeth, Mrs D and Hi Golden.

Just a quick post for me...

Today I went walking on Breakwall Path and up Lighthouse Hill. Then tonight my son wanted to go walking in our neighbourhood. So I went walking with him.

Hi Elizabeth, Shell, Golden and all reading,

Thanks for sharing your walking story Elizabeth and for telling us about the bike riders as well. I do like it when a rider behind me rings his or her bell, just to warn me they are there.

There is a walking track along the city beaches. It is a shared walking and riding path. I try to be aware of who is around me as I might catch a glimpse of the ocean and wander over the path for a look and a photo opportunity. I don't want to cause anyone an accident, so I look around before changing direction.

It looks freezing outside today. I might be able to find a sheltered spot for some exercises like you have suggested Elizabeth, good idea. Usually I do them in front of the T.V. as a distraction so I just get them done!

Hope you are all keeping well. Cheers from Dools

Oh how nice for you to be able to pat the horse Mrs D. Wonder if you will get the opportunity again?

Ah hello Golden!

Hugs back... And how are you?

Can feel cozy inside while it's bucketting rain outside. I do hope you are ok. Do you like dogs then? I often dog watch, especially around Breakwall Path. There is a special doggie beach right there. They just seem to enjoy the very simple things in life. Even digging in the sand looking for whatever they are looking for. I see some dogs doing that with there focused happy faces, flicking sand behind them.

And yeah I did wonder about the breeds recognising their own breed. And true they can be super intelligent. Is there a place where you go to watch them, a park? No wait, I think you live near the beach, maybe you see them out your window or something.

Community Member

Walked on Breakwall Path and up Lighthouse Hill again today. It was super windy. Felt myself being pushed by the wind while I was walking.

The view from the hill was beautiful. I really studied the ripples that were way down in the ocean below me. There were hardly any waves at all.

I went for a walk with a friend this afternoon. We started walking together once a month recently and found that we enjoy similar types of walks. I haven't had anyone to walk with apart from my son & grandkids & my husband. It is nice to go out and not have to watch out for my husband. I can just enjoy the walk. Because of lockdown we can't drive anywhere together so we walked from home beside the creek and then up the hill in a circle. It was very muddy. Glad I wore hiking boots. It was fun just talking as we walked. Hope lockdown finishes so we can go further. I hope the protests over the weekend don't lead to further outbreaks. It is selfish for people protesting about lack of freedom putting the whole community at risk of a longer lockdown!!!

Hi Elizabeth,

After reading your recent posts, you just sound so much more relaxed or less stressed or something. Are you?

That's great you are doing lunges and squats outside in the fresh air. I long to be able to do those. I have attempted before, but never knew if I had the right technique.

Is your wrist getting stronger with those particular exercises?

I definitely agree with you about going outside and looking up at the clouds and noticing what is all around you. And the deep breathing. It often makes me feel better just breathing in deep the fresh ocean air. Sometimes better if its more crisp and chilly. Maybe more invigorating and maybe more oxygen getting in.

Your special camellia with all the beautiful memories attached to it must look real pretty at the moment.

And I am glad you are able to hang out with a friend and go walking together.

I am still up and down a lot. I haven't been posting much when I'm really down as it just makes me worse. I am trying to do things my psych advised which included trying to get outside early. The light is supposed to help. I'm also supposed to do breathing to calm down as well as the hand exercises. Having so many things to do increases the stress so my going outside to exercise combining everything was my way of getting as much done in one hit otherwise I miss things because I still have lots to do with my husband. The weather isn't always suitable to get outside early but when I manage it I do find it helpful. Positioning myself so I have something nice to look at really gives a boost.

My wrist has improved but I'm still struggling with my thumb. The specialist I saw a month ago believes my nerves in the thumb were damaged by the cast (which my GP refused to do anything about when I saw her) I am using my thumb more to strengthen it which is helping but increasing the pain levels. I still have to be careful as my hand can give way when I try to pick things up or carry them.

hi Shell,

thanks for writing to me 🙂 i am angry today - someone has keyed my car this past week. Just seen it today and the damage done. I cannot understand vandalism? Why ppl feel the need to destroy other ppl's property? I very much dislike the human race. But yes, I love animals and in particular I love dogs you are right. I am like you in that I love to watch them find joy and wonder in the smallest of things. I don't get to the beach much at all anymore. I tend to be lazy and stay in bed. Well, I think it is depression - but I feel like it is lazy, if you get what I mean? I still do a tiny bit of walking maybe 1-2 times a week I will go for a short walk. But nothing like your efforts. You do amazing to get out there as much as you do and keep on persisting with it even on the tough days. Good on you Shell.

No ocean views for me unfortunately.. I have to drive or walk to the water. So I hardly get there anymore with all the depression etc. I think we have some dog beaches too. I know we have local dog parks which are fun to walk by. I also watch them on youtube sometimes. ps your smoothie from the eating thread sounds spot on - a good mix of fruit and veg. When the summer is here I will have to remember it to try.

Take care Shell 🙂

Hello Golden, Shell, Elizabeth and All,

Hi Golden, yer, I know what you mean about questioning if it is laziness or depression. Some days I really struggle to achieve much of anything. I wonder if pushing myself is always the best way as that can be exhausting. Then if I don't do anything I feel useless! ARGH. It is a bit too tough some days.

My thoughts are with you. Sorry to read that you had your car vandalised. That really is such a pathetic thing to do. I don't know what is wrong with people.

Elizabeth, I may try to do some of my exercises and stretches while outside as well. Some days when my depression is bad trying to think of attempting to do more than one thing at a time is overwhelming.

My walk this morning was a short one. I looked out the window and noticed the rubbish had blown over so went to stand that up again. It is so windy here. It was early, the sun was rising and the moon was still visible.

I watched the galahs as they flew around erratically seemingly trying to decide which tree to land in then taking off again. I heard some parrots and watched them as they flew like aircraft jets in straight lines to their destination.

I appreciated the different colours in the sky and longed to head off down the road for an hour's walk.

Hopefully I will entice myself to walk some more in the garden later today.

Elizabeth and Shelley, thanks for sharing your walks with us all.

Cheers to you all from Dools