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Community Member
While i've been looking for answers to my life time living with depression, behavior issues, addictions, over all not fitting in to  this world , i've been told by some mental health professionals, that LEARNED BEHAVIOR ,maybe a issue with me. I understand the theory of what i've been told, but i'm unsure if it exists, or if there is any truth in this ? any information would be greatly appreciated . CHOW.
13 Replies 13

Community Member

Thanks wetpatch, I think I understand it more now.  I do like and have used visualizing techniques before.  I find this easier as I am still thinking and so can't think about other things so much.

Community Member

Well I just googled that theory and yes that is probably all true for me. All those traits, so how does one fix all these things?  With my pessimistic attitude, scepticism it all seems very unlikely you can convince my 'mind' to change its attitude.  You see I feel like my mind is not really mine because I don't want to be like this but feel 'it' does what it wants.  Is that weird?  Maybe I'm losing my marbles?  My husband thinks I'm nutty (jokingly) because I like to change my house or decorator items around.  One minute my salt & pepper shakes are on display and then hey aren't.  I like to declutter things all the time and constant sear for things to give to the Salvos or sell on ebay.  I like to rearrange things in my office.  On saying that I have a passion for design shows.  I don't know anyone else who does all these odd things.

the one sure thing in life that makes me very happy is planning holidays.  I wish I coul get a travel job, now hat is something I think I could really excel at, it is my passion...

Community Member
Hi Geoff, thank you to all who have responded with info, links , so on and so forth , sorry it has taken so long to say so, i have just climbed out of my black hole ,my madness,mental illness , unipolar ,adhd, suicidal thoughts, etc , etc , whatever it is? i know its only a brief stay , i have been suffering since my early teens, 50 years old now ,  and i have only just discovered this site , and through reading , have only worked out (i m a slow learner] that im not alone. CHOW ALL

Marley said:

I'd love to know what meditation is and how to achieve it, I've listened to meditation type stuff but I don't seem to achieve much....what does 'it' mean, free your mind of all thoughts?  Doesn't seem to happen either, maybe I'm trying too hard.  I give up feeling frustrated.

Hi Marley,
Ive done a lot of googling myself and once came across an explanation that a meditative state is like our "auto pilot" those moments we are so focused or concentrating so much that we dont notice things going on around us.
Ever watched tv and someone has arrived home and you don't notice till they're sitting right next to you? 

I find it hard to switch off with meditation because i dont feel as though i can shut out my thoughts.  Personally I shoot hoops, and focus on getting into the game, Alot of people play golf and find it relaxing.

I think with meditation is whatever works to get you into a clear and focused state.

a bit of a ramble, but hopefully a little insight 🙂
