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Learning to Be Gentle to Yourself

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everybody

Sometimes our thoughts can be our own worst enemy where finding some peace from depression and anxiety. I have listed a few tiny little helpers that if practiced can help us help ourselves find some true calm in our lives. If you have had any joy in changing your thinking to bring even a little peace of mind please post as many will benefit 🙂

  • Delete the word 'hate' from your vocabulary. Using the word 'dislike' is less mentally draining and non toxic (word substitution)
  • Many people dont take time out to do absolutely nothing..being super busy sounds good but not for a 'tired mind'
  • Fighting depression/anxiety will only make the illness worse...calm and true acceptance of symptoms will reduce their severity/impact
  • Help a person doing it tougher than you....by phone...face to face...or the forums (if your energy levels permit of course)
  • Book frequent appointments with a GP/counselor....not infrequent...you deserve to heal..and have peace of mind
  • Treat yourself when you have had a good day...you have earned it..
  • Avoid overly critical and negative people....they will only hinder recovery
  • Walk slow...Talk slow...Think slow...

I hope everyone has a great week and thankyou for taking the time to read my post.

Kind Thoughts


30 Replies 30

Hi Sara and thankyou for your post and I agree with you

Sez mentioned "Repressing (internalising) anger can morph into self destruction thru ill health and addiction" You are spot on with your reasoning as it was never my intention to downplay 'anger' as a form of dealing with what we have gone through and forgive me if I havent 'hit the target' on this thread topic

Its only my point of view when I see people saying they 'hate' their lives or what they stand for. I keep seeing this self destructive 'H' word being used at the expense of people's own well being

I am sorry about the pain your son (and yourself) had to go through regarding the sexual assault....there are really no words that can summarize what happened

My ex (in 1995) threw a solid glass vase at me after a verbal argument and put in me hospital....I get it.

I really dont 'hate' her. However I do despise and loathe her bashing me. I guess I feel pity for the miserable person she turned out to be when I knew her

The 'H' word (just for me) is a huge brain drain and taxing on my ongoing recovery with my anxiety/depression

Thankyou so much for helping out with this thread topic Sez

You never harp on the forums Sara....Your life experience and wisdom is a huge bonus for me + the people that choose to 'read only' + the members/champions on the Beyond Blue forums

Your input is always welcomed and appreciated

My kind thoughts
