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Belief systems

Community Member


I'm a middle child of an immigrant family.  Born in Australia, however conditioned, nurtured and natured by my parents values and belief systems. 

 Recently,  I discovered - Realised  the most important life changing moment. Fear and control 
no flexibility in this way of thinking.how the family dynamics Made me  feel inferior - like -something is wrong with me - I can't receive blessings - help care love support because there is a belief that there something wrong with me. The manipulation- self sacrifice, made to feel like the victim and this of course begins n the patterns - 

repeating cycles 

generation cycles 


a state of being in service 

no escape 

no spark

no room for creating

and I feel small 

Im not allowed to follow my desires, my energy or a to give to others. 
how dare I think about myself. i know 

some things are far too painful and I'm trying to make myself feel this to free myself from this patterns and rigid mind set of fear and control  

that's means removing myself from these people and replacing them with a redirect of consciousness. 

so wounded 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Miraculously101~

Welcome here to the support Forum, I'm very glad you came here as it sounds as if you are starting to realise the unique and important person you are.


Some cultures do indeed live by a means of controlling others, by the head of the household perhaps with others reinforcing their views.


If one is controlled, even with benevolent intent, it makes one feel smaller and less important, after all one is there to do the wishes of others.


It can be very hard to sort out the difference between duty- perhaps looking after an aged parent - and having one's own wishes blocked -going to uni perhaps, wearing one's hair in a certain way.


So even having a flash of insight into how you has been living may not be enough by itself. Certainly if circumstances allow them moving away from those that control may be a good idea -removing the source as it were. Please be aware I'm not deliberately recommending this, after all I do not know all the factors in your life.


However I think it takes more than that , a mentor or someone you can trust to have a more balanced view of life. someone you can discus how you feel and what you would like, to see if you are in agreement.


Do you have anyone like that to rely upon?

