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Just don't get it.

Community Member

I have been on the way down for a few days now. I couldn't get up this morning so I am home. I sent a message to a friend and told them why. The reply - you only feel like crap because you let yourself get down. 

7 Replies 7

Community Member

Hi there Dazman


Firstly, I’d like to extend a warm welcome to you to Beyond Blue and to thank you for providing your post here.


Your post is a very short and to the point one, so if it’s ok with you, I may just ask a few questions a bit further down, so we might understand your situation a bit better.  That’ll then give us information to hopefully provide any type of feedback and advice to you.


But firstly, I’d like to say that your friend’s response to you was a poor one – kind of the stereotypical response you’d find from someone who knows nothing about depression and who has no idea of what it’s like to deal with mental health issues.


You’ve mentioned that this has been coming on for a few days now and it’s got to the state for you that getting up and going was just not viable this morning.  You know what Dazman, you certainly are not on your own with these kinds of feelings.


Over the last few days, has there been some kind of anniversary or memories of bad things that have happened in the past to possibly trigger this latest slide for you?


May I also ask have you been battling this mental illness for a while now?  And do you have any other mechanisms in place that may assist you?   Like seeing a doctor, or any kind of counsellor/psyche;  and/or anti-depressants??


Again, sorry for so many questions, but I do hope you can get back to us with even, some answers, if you feel ok to do so.


Kind regards



Community Member

Hi Dazman,

I now that feeling all to well! I went to work today and the entire time so far ive felt sick and just wanted to escape. Your not alone and so many people on here have the same feeling every single day... and you know what.. i think its fine to have those days. But i promise my self that a certain time i will get up and go for a short 30 min walk. If i want to go back to bed after that than i will. Most times i dont.

Its great that you reached out to a friend, although it just sounds like your friend doesnt understand or isnt educated on depression. We all know that we cant just "simply get over it".

Is there something in particular that has triggered you today?



Community Member

Hi Neil. I have been having treatment since about 2005. I have spent time in hospital over the years. As recently as a few months ago. I know these things come and go. I had a small disappointment over the weekend. My problem is that a small thing leads to a big down for me. I can't regulate my reaction and feelings. What I wanted from my friend this morning was a bit of understanding.  I have been good for a while now and when I am, all is good. I just wanted some understanding and to be cut some slack.

Hi. Something disappointed me over the weekend. Only small but that is just how my head works. I should have gone to work. The distraction would have been good but I just couldn't do it. Now I just batten down the hatches and wait for it to pass.


Same here also! it can be something that seems so tiny that will set off the mood to a down hill spiral FAST! Or I could be out have fun and the next day i think its all over.

The hardest thing about being at work i am finding is, yes its a great distraction, that feeling goes away but the moment i think about it, it comes back ten fold!

Your certainly not alone dazman.

are you on any AD at the moment?

You're right. It comes back when I'm alone. Yes I am on one which I have found to be good generally.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Dazman, we know what this feeling is like it leaves us pinned to the ground unable to move, which also means that we are restricted in what we can do, that's depression through and through.

What happens with depression is that it is constantly there in our symptom, but then something sparks us off and then this opens it up like a can of worms.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I tend to think that you are trying to overcome from a relationship that has spilt up, and whether it's your friend that you message and being told something which upset and disappointed you, but comments like this are of no help to you or anyone else, because what they are saying is like 'pull up your socks and get over it.

None of these replies are of any help for someone with depression. Geoff.